音に導かれる旅 エジプト 土に埋もれた大いなる遺産 8

Journeys Guided by Sound

土に埋もれた大いなる遺産 8

A Great Heritage Buried in the Earth 8

June 9-28, 2013



Cairo, where I spent nearly two weeks, is a big city, and as you can see from the pictures, the dust and the smell of exhaust gas, which you cannot see on the screen, were so strong that it was like yellow sand in Japan from start to finish.
I thought that no matter how much they washed their cars, there was no end to the amount of time they could spend there.
I was born and raised in the city, so I don’t feel stressed, but there is something that the city lacks.


Having lived in Fukuoka, I can tell that the countryside has its own unique qualities, and naturally, the same is true here in Egypt.
I was not able to listen to the local culture, especially the sounds, during my overnight desert tour the other day, but I was interested in the aforementioned Nubian people and their sounds, and wanted to record them if possible, so I was not able to hear the local culture, especially the sounds, on my recent overnight desert tour, but I was interested in the aforementioned “Nubian” people and their sounds, and wanted to record them if possible, as part of my mission this time so before leaving for my trip to Egypt, I went to an Egyptian restaurant to ask for advice.

エジプト料理 うちむら (Egyptian restaurant UCHIMURA)

彼とは2012年に発刊した『YAKAZA ENSEMBLE meets SYUNOVEN』というCD付き画集の縁で知り合った。
その後そのトルコのバンドYAKAZA ENSEMBLEの日本ツアーの資金援助をしてもらったり、だいぶお世話になった。

I was introduced to this restaurant by Mr. Terat of the Cultural Affairs Department of the Turkish Embassy, who was stationed at “Tokyo Jammy,” the largest mosque in Japan, located in Yoyogi Uehara at the time.
I met him through an art book with CD titled “YAKAZA ENSEMBLE meets SYUNOVEN” published in 2012.
To be exact, I visited there since September 11, 2001 at the recommendation of a half-Kenyan, half-Japanese friend of mine living in Kichijoji, who taught me the basics of Islam, as the sound of his art book, which was just before its release, was the sound of his Turkish friends.
He also gave me the opportunity to hold a solo exhibition of SYUNOVEN, the artist of the paintings in the book, at his mosque, and later provided me with financial support for the Japan tour of the Turkish band YAKAZA ENSEMBLE.


When I was in that jamie (meaning “big mosque”) often, I asked him if he had any restaurant recommendations around here. And he told me about that restaurant.


This is a very interesting place, the husband is from Aswan, Egypt and his wife is Japanese with Yoyogi being her hometown.
Her father who is already passed away was a butcher who had been running a butcher shop in Yoyogi since the previous generation, built in 1943!
The Imam (a pastor-like figure in Islam) of several generations of that Jami asked them if they could produce Halal meat for their staff, and they agreed, and began producing Halal meat on their own in the 1970s.


Unrelated to this?, Uchimura’s daughter, Mrs. Uchimura, who is almost the same age as me(?), spent her early twenties traveling all over the world.
She met and married her current husband in Aswan, Egypt.
She converted her father’s butcher shop into her current Egyptian restaurant.
Since she owns her own house, she does not have to pay rent, and the prices are outstandingly low in this area.


For better or worse, I loved the homey, rustic flavor, and before I knew it, I was a regular at Jammy’s, eating there when I was in the neighborhood or getting takeout.


In this vein, I asked the wife and her husband if they knew anyone from Nubia on my upcoming trip to Egypt. They replied that the husband was from Aswan, the very hub city of Nubia, and although he himself was not of Nubian descent but of so-called Arab descent, he knew some people there as he was a local.
It was truly inshallah/marshallah.


I called Muhammad from Cairo, who was introduced to me at the time, and asked him to introduce me to a musician because I wanted to go to Aswan to record.


And Yosuke, who accompanied me on my recent desert tour, is going with me again this time.
He is a lighting engineer by profession, and has been a member of the “Hikari Asobi” lighting crew at ONENESS, which I used to hold regularly.
And he is naturally playful and fun-loving, and his light footwork is his very strong point.

He is just the perfect person for the trip lol

So we took a long bus ride from Cairo to Aswan.

Entering Aswan, the atmosphere is tropical, different from that of Cairo.


The sandy feeling is the same, but the air is obviously cleaner and the sky is blue!
That alone makes the mood truly radiant.

Once again, I feel the Nile.

There must have once been such a simple scene in Cairo.
The same would be true of the Kanda River in Japan…

There is also the regular Egyptian feeling in the city center.
It is appropriate, or generous, or messy…

And here, as in most places, there is a whiff of the “Arab Spring”.

Then we found an inn and paused.


I am not here just to travel, though, so I immediately open my PC and proceed to edit and compose the sounds I recorded the other day, and get ready for action.
Yosuke, beside me, is relaxed lol

Again, the camera belonging to the late Kenji Chiyomaru, which appeared in the recent Senegal edition.

I met him around 2010 through a fellow photographer and borrowed this camera during my trip to Senegal/Turkey in February 2011.


On March 12, 2011, in the chaos of Tokyo amidst the news of the earthquake and nuclear power plant explosion, I participated in the cleanup of Chiyomaru’s room with a real terrorist? named Negami, who was already in the final stages of cancer and lying in bed, and we had some interaction until his last days.

I had my own music, so I didn’t go in that direction, but maybe somewhere along the line there was a way of life in the activist genre? like theirs.

The world is always absurd.

It is hard to live if you only look at the negative aspects.

If we were ruled only by economic things, we would not even find the meaning of life.

Such a thought crossed my mind for a moment…,

The rooftop of this inn is a nice place, and I practiced yoga there during my stay.

Yoga is also one of the few lights I have found in this shitty world.

Anyway, freed from our heavy luggage, the two of us wandered around for a meal.

The skin of the walking and working people is clearly darker than in Cairo.

I was deeply moved once again that we had come to Nubia, that is, a city of the natives of East Africa.

Maybe it is because the people are from the countryside as mentioned above, or maybe it is because they are natives, but everyone is calm or relaxed, or whatever, it is a pleasant town.

Then we met up with Muhammad who met up with us.

He is about a little older than me and not that much different.
I hear that my appearance is getting strange….

Anyway, with the arrival of powerful helpers, the high-density drama at Aswan has finally begun!

To be continued

画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: JUZU-アー写0708.jpg


東京出身。15歳からバンドとDJの活動を並行して始め、スケートボードを通して知り合ったメンバーで結成されたバンドEvilPowersMeの音源は、結成後すぐにアメリカのイラストレイターPusheadのレーベル等からリリースされる。DJとしてもその革新的でオリジナルなスタイルが一世を風靡し、瞬く間に国内外の巨大なフェスからアンダーグランドなパーティまで活動が展開される。 ソロの楽曲制作としても米Grand RoyalからのBuffalo Daughterのリミックスを皮切りに、Boredoms等のリミックス等メジャー、インディー問わず様々なレーベルからリリースされる。2003年にキューバで現地ミュージシャンとレコーディングツアーを敢行したのを皮切りに、その後世界各地で録音を重ね、新たなWorld Musicの指針として、立ち上げたレーベルCROSSPOINTを始動。
2015年から始まった怒濤の9ヶ月連続ヴァイナルリリースは大きな話題になり、その影響でベルリン/イスラエルのレーベルMalka Tutiなどからワールドワイドにリリースされ、DJ TASAKAとのHIGHTIME Inc.、Nitro Microphone UndergroundのMACKA-CHINとPART2STYLEのMaLとのユニットZEN RYDAZ、Minilogue/Son KiteのMarcus HenrikssonとKuniyukiとのユニットMYSTICSなど、そのオリジナルなヴィジョンは、あらゆるジャンルをまたぎ、拡散し続けている。また音楽制作のみならず、映像作品、絵本や画集 のプロデュース、野外フェスOoneness Camp”縄文と再生”を企画するなど活動は多岐に渡る。

Born in Tokyo, he started playing in bands and DJing at the same time when he was 15. As a DJ, his innovative and original style and his activities have quickly expanded from huge festivals to underground parties both in Japan and abroad. In 2003, he went on a recording tour with local musicians in Cuba, and since then he has been recording all over the world, and started his own label, Crosspoint, as a new guideline for New World Music.
In music production, he has also produced video works, picture books and art books, and organized the outdoor festival “Jomon and Rebirth” in 2012.
9 consecutive months of vinyl releases in 2015 became a big topic, and his fourth album was released at the end of that year, which led to the worldwide release of his new album on the Berlin/Israeli label Malka Tuti.
HIGHTIME Inc. with DJ TASAKA in 2017, and ZEN RYDAZ, a unit with MACKA-CHIN of Nitro Microphone Underground and MaL of PART2STYLE, in 2018.
In the same year, his music under the name of J.A.K.A.M. was released in analog form on the French label HardFist, which led to a live performance at the huge 30,000-person Nuits Sonores Festival in Lyon, followed by a DJ tour of Europe and Israel.
In 2019, the production of MYSTICS, a unit with Marcus Henriksson and Kuniyuki of Minilogue/Son Kite, which has a worldwide following, will begin, and the long-awaited album will be released in 2021.
His original vision is spreading across all genres and around the world.

校正・英訳:編集部 中村、池上
Proofreading and English translation: Editorial department Nakamura, Ikegami
