片桐仁の日本全国ご当地粘土道 第五回

NENDO-MICHI of JIN KATAGIRI ~NIPPON local the soul of clay~ vol. 5

岩手県 『岩手鉄瓶』

Iwate prefecture 『Iwate Tetsubin』


Legal amount: height x width x length = 170 x 190 x 144 (mm)
Materials: Epoxy putty, sculpey, iron ball, ball chain


When I appeared in the local hero of Iwate Prefecture, “Ganrizer NEO,” I was very surprised to learn that the name “Iwate” literally comes from the word “rock hand.
Also, since I was playing a Nanbu ironware craftsman, I thought “I want to make a Nanbu Tetsubin someday” when I was filming in several workshops.
*Nanbu Tetsubin : A cast iron kettle made with the skill of Nanbu tekki (ironware)


So this time, I decided to keep it simple and make a tetsubin with a rock hand. I was relieved when the idea came to me, but then I thought, “There’s something about ‘hand’ and ‘kettle’…”. Oh! Shadowgraph! I remembered the shadowgraph of a kettle.
I thought, “That’s it!” However, it was difficult to make a “kettle of shadowgraph” into a “three-dimensional kettle.


For the time being, I used a plastic bottle as a core and put putty on it, and for the lid, I put a Nanbu tetsubin teapot lid that I had at home. Then, I decided to sculpt the fingers one by one.I could easily decide that the index finger would be the “handle” and the left thumb would be the “spout,” but in the shadowgraph, the right thumb would be the “handle of the lid,” and there was no way to connect the lines. In addition, the middle finger and the baby finger are on the opposite side of the screen, so no matter how I tried, there were not enough fingers. So I changed the rule to “it looks like a kettle when you make a shadowgraph”. I pressed the skin of a stingray onto the clay to give it the texture of a rock. This is the opposite of the previous work, Iwaki saurus katagiri. On the parts where there are no fingers, I added a pattern called ” Maru Arare,” which is unique to Nambu tetsubin. Originally, Maru Arare was expressed by pressing a round bar into a mold, but since the convexity was reversed, I used an iron ball and a ball chain.

そして、楽しい色塗り…。これまた難航。そもそも『岩』ってどんな色? 最初はグレーをベースに汚していけばいいかな〜?ぐらいの感じだったのですが、『岩』を検索すると様々な色の岩が出てきて、雨垂れの跡や、木目みたいな岩の模様、ヒビが入ってたり、コケが生えていたり、太い縄が縛ってあったり、と、ここで相当迷いました。”キレイに汚す”って難しい。でも楽しかったです。


And the fun coloring…. This was another difficult task. First of all, what kind of color is “rock”? At first, I thought I should use gray as a base color and stain it. But when I searched for the word “rock,” I found rocks in various colors, with marks from dripping rain, patterns on the rocks that looked like wood grain, cracks, moss, and thick ropes tied around them. It’s hard to get it “beautifully dirty”. But it was fun.

And we have an extra tetsubin without a lid….

片桐 仁
1973年11月27日生まれ / 埼玉県出身 / 多摩美術大学卒業
ドラマを中心に舞台、映画、ラジオなどで活躍中。近年の主な出演作は「99.9%-刑事専門弁護士-」(TBS)、「あなたの番です」(NTV)、「NHK 連続テレビ小説 エール」(NHK)などがある。
俳優業の傍ら粘土創作活動も行い、2016年から2018年までは「片桐仁不条理アート粘土作品展 ギリ展」にて全国ツアーを開催。2019年は初の海外個展を台湾で開催している。

Jin Katagiri
Born November 27, 1973 / Born in Saitama Prefecture / Graduated from Tama Art University
Active in the stage, movies, radio, etc., mainly in TV dramas series. Major appearances in recent years include “99.9% -Criminal Lawyer-” (TBS), “Your Turn to Kill” (NTV), and “NHK Morning drama series Yell” (NHK).
In addition to acting, he also creates clay, and from 2016 to 2018 he held a national tour at the “Jin Katagiri Absurdity Clay Art Exhibit Giri Ten.” In 2019, he is holding his first overseas solo exhibition in Taiwan.


【About Iwate Prefecture】

また、南東部の釜石市にある日本最古の洋式高炉跡である橋野鉄鉱山も橋野鉄鉱山(橋野高炉跡及び関連遺跡)を含む「明治日本の産業革命遺産 製鉄・製鋼,造船,石炭産業」として登録されています。

Iwate Prefecture is located in the coastal area of the Tohoku region.Iwate Prefecture is located in the coastal area of the Tohoku region. Except for the Kitakami Basin, which is long and narrow and stretches about 120 km from north to south, and the coastal areas, the prefecture is rich in greenery with many mountains and hills.It is also a popular spot for tourists to enjoy nature and two World Cultural Heritage sites. One of them is in the southern town of Hiraizumi, where Chūson-ji,Mōtsū-ji,Kanjizaiōin Ato, Muryōkōin Ato and Mt. Mt. Kinkeisan are registered as World Heritage sites called “Hiraizumi – Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land -”
Hashino Iron Mining and Smelting Site in Kamaishi City in the southeast part of the city, which is the site of Japan’s oldest Western-style blast furnace, is also registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for being a component site of “Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining.”

中尊寺金色堂 (写真提供:中尊寺)
Chūson-ji Konjikidō Golden Hall (Photo credit : Chūson-ji)
橋野鉄鉱山 (写真提供:岩手県)
The Hashino iron mining and smelting site in a mountain clearing(Photo credit : Iwate prefecture)


【The origin of Iwate prefecture】


There are many theories about the origin of the name “Iwate,” but I would like to share with you a story about the origin of the “rock hand.
A long time ago, a stone that is believed to have flown down from Mt. Iwate when it erupted was called “Mitsuishi-sama” and was worshipped by people. At that time, a demon called “Rasetsuki” was misbehaving with villagers and travelers in the area. The villagers were troubled and asked Mitsuishi-sama to “please stop the evil demon”. The God of Mitsuishi immediately tied the demon to three large stones. The demon was so astonished that he said, “I will never misbehave again. I will never show myself in this village again, so please forgive me.” The God of Mitsuishi said, “If you make a sign that you will never misbehave again.” So the demon stamped his handprint on the stone and fled to the far side of Mt.Nansho.
Even today, Mitsuishi is enshrined at Tokenji Temple in Morioka City. It is said that something that looks like a “demon’s handprint” can be seen on the stone on days after rain.

岩手県PRキャラクター「わんこきょうだい」そばっちと三ツ石様 (写真提供:公益財団法人 岩手県観光協会)
The Iwate Prefecture PR character “Wanko Kyoudai : Sobacchi and Mitsuishi-sama” (Photo credit : Iwate Prefecture Tourism Association)


【About Nambu Tekki (Nambu ironware)】


Nambu ironware is one of the representative traditional crafts of Iwate Prefecture. Nambu ironware has been produced in Morioka City and Oshu City since ancient times, but the history of its birth is different.
Morioka’s ironware is said to have originated in the Edo period, when the lord of the Nanbu domain, who ruled the area, invited kettle makers from Kyoto and Koshu (Yamanashi Prefecture) to make tea ceremony kettles. The name “Nanbu” is said to have originated from the Nanbu domain.
On the other hand, Oshu’s ironware has a long history, dating back to the late Heian period (794-1185), when Fujiwara no Kiyohira invited ironware craftsmen from Omi Province to make armor. Since then, it has developed mainly into agricultural machinery and daily necessities castings. It is said that the name “Nambu ironware” came to be used in 1955.
The tetsubin (iron kettle), the motif of this work, is a typical Nambu ironware item. It is said that water boiled in an iron kettle has a mellow taste and is effective in replenishing iron. It is also highly functional, and its modern design is loved as a tool that will last a lifetime. Recently, modernized designs have been released, attracting attention from around the world.

製造風景(写真提供:岩手県)Scenery Making (Photo credit : Iwate Prefecture)
鉄瓶 平丸あられ(写真提供:岩手県)Tetsubin Hiramaru arare (Photo credit : Iwate prefecture)
現代的デザイン(写真提供:岩手県) Contemporary Design (Photo credit : Iwate prefecture)


【About Ganriser】

今年10周年となりシリーズ10作目「鉄神ガンライザー レジェンドヒーローズ」が放映されている。片桐仁は、2014年、2015年放映の「鉄神ガンライザー NEO」シリーズに出演していました。

With the slogan “Bring energy and smiles to the children of Iwate!”, Ganrizer was born in October 2011, the year of the Great East Japan Earthquake. He is a local special effects hero from Iwate Prefecture, with Nambu ironware in his right hand and a Nambu iron kettle on his right shoulder.
This year marks the tenth anniversary of the series, and the tenth in the series, “Tetsujin Ganrizer Legend Heroes,” is being aired. Jin Katagiri appeared in the series “Tetsujin Ganrizer NEO” aired in 2014 and 2015.

写真提供 テレビ岩手
写真提供 テレビ岩手



胴体のあられ Arare on the body


When I saw the dots (arare) on the new piece “Iwate Tetsubin”, I thought it was a real Nambu tetsubin with clay. However, when I read the caption, I was surprised to learn that everything except the lid was handmade by Mr. Katagiri. I think the charm of Ms. Katagiri’s works is the details and colors that can be enjoyed from any angle.
Someday, I would like to hold a world tour of Katagiri’s works and let people see the real thing.

文:THAT IS GOOD編集部 藤田
Text : THAT IS GOOD editorial department Fujita
