長崎県 「ハンマーヘッドーSwitch Light」

Nagasaki Prefecture “Hammerhead – Switch Light”

法量 :縦×幅×奥行=160×500×240 (mm)
材質 :スタイロフォーム、エポキシパテ、スカルピー、ドールアイ

Legal amount : height × width × Length = 160×500×240 (mm)
Materials: styrofoam, epoxy putty, sculpey, doll eyes

 2020年春、緊急事態宣言出たての時に、家族が『どうぶつの森』にハマり、僕だけ持ってなかったNintendo Switch Lightを買おうと思ったら、どこのお店も売り切れ。仕方なくネットで割高で買うことに。「ま、でも粘土を盛って作品にするから、多少の割高感は仕方ないか!」と都合のいい理由を付けてポチったものの、その後粘土を盛ることもなく1年半が経ちました。
そろそろかということで、夏休みを使って作ったのが、今回の作品。イメージは出来ていたんです。水族館で見た『シュモクザメ』の頭の部分があまりに四角かったので、頭をNintendo Switch Lightにしたシュモクザメが面白いんじゃないか!と。
ただ、形から決めちゃったパターンなので、ネーミングが難産でした〜。”ニンテンドー”ならぬ『ハンマーヘッドーSwitch Light』…。どう?

 In the spring of 2020, when the state of emergency had just been declared, my family got hooked on “Animal Crossing”(TV game), and when I wanted to buy a Nintendo Switch Light, which I was the only one who didn’t have, all the stores were sold out. I had no choice but to buy it online at a premium. “But since I’m going to be putting clay on it, I guess I can’t blame myself for paying a little more! But it’s been a year and a half since I bought it, and I haven’t tried to heap clay on it.
I thought it was about time, so I used my summer vacation to make this work. I had an idea of what I wanted to do. The head of the hammerhead shark I saw at the aquarium was so square that I thought it would be fun to make a hammerhead shark with a Nintendo Switch Light head!
However, since the pattern was decided from the shape, the naming was difficult. Not “Nintendo”, but “Hammerhead – Switch Light”…. What do you think?

色々な人体プラモのパーツを組み合わせて、顔を作ったNintendo DS『DS(ドーデスカ・ソーデスカ)』
『亀』型のNintendo DSiLL、『DS亀LL(Live Long)』。
『シマウマ』型のNintendo 3DS、『3Dシマウマ(シマウマのイニシャルがSなので)』…。
はっきり言って、携帯ゲーム機に粘土を盛った作品で、ネーミングがうまく行った試しがないんです!! 何故なら形で決めちゃったから!
 しかもシュモクザメって、北海道から沖縄まで、全国で捕れるんだって! 長崎県では『アカカセ』と呼ばれているという、その情報の一点突破で、『長崎のご当地作品』とさせていただきます!

Looking back, it all started with “Cra-Boy”, a crab-shaped Game Boy.
The Nintendo DS “God of Dodeska-Sodeska”, a face made by combining parts from various plastic models of the human body.
The Nintendo DSiLL in the shape of a turtle, “DS Turtle LL (Live Long)”.
“Girijin Ogre”, a PSP in the shape of “Jin-Oga (Zinogre in English)” (a popular monster from CAPCOM’s game “Monster Hunter”).
The ” 3D Zebra (because the initials of the zebra are S),” a Nintendo 3DS in the shape of a zebra….
To put it bluntly, I’ve never been able to come up with a good naming scheme for a handheld game console made out of clay! Because I decided on the shape!
 Moreover, hammerhead sharks are caught all over the country, from Hokkaido to Okinawa! In Nagasaki Prefecture, they are called “Akakase,” so I’ve decided to call this “Nagasaki’s local work” based on that one piece of information.

蟹ボーイ Cra-Boy

DS(ドーデスカ・ソーデスカ)God of Dodeska-Sodeska

DS亀LL(Live Long) DS  Turtle LL (Live Long)

ギリジンオウガ Girijin Ogre

3Dシマウマ 3DS Zebra

Photo Provided by Naoto Otsubo/Kodansha Ltd.


For now, I’m going to use Styrofoam (a finer kind of Styrofoam. Available in light blue and cream. The original purpose is for insulation) and started to make it and realized.
“Why is it so big?”

 確かにNintendo Switch Lightは今までの携帯ゲーム機の中でも画面が最大サイズ。それが顔になったシュモクザメを作ろうというのだから、それなりの大きさになります。なので「尾っぽ部分を足に挟んでプレーできる、Switch Lightにしよう!」と思ったのですが、ここでまた問題が。Switch本体の下部分には、ソフトやらmicroSDやら、いろいろな出し入れする部分があって、粘土で塞ぐと都合が悪いことが判明! じゃあ頭を下にして、尾っぽを上にする不安定な持ち方に変更。バランス感覚を養いながらゲームができる仕様に! それに伴い、後頭部にスピーカー用の穴を開け、裏面の口まで繋げることにより、音質が向上(主観では)! さらに裏面を指の形に粘土を凹ませ、持ちやすさも向上!   
 その辺を作ったあたりで「裏に顔作らないの? 蟹ボーイの時みたいに」と次男。確かに蟹ボーイは甲羅の部分に顔面があるデザイン。「確かに!あれを作った17年前は、頼まれてもいないのに、場所さえあれば”顔”をくっ付けてたっけな〜」と思い出しました。なので顔面を作りましたよ〜。

 It is true that the Nintendo Switch Light has the largest screen of any portable game console to date. Since I wanted to make a hammerhead shark with that as its face, it would have to be a certain size. So I thought, “Let’s make a Switch Light that can be played with its tail between my legs! But here’s another problem: the bottom part of the Switch has various parts for inserting and removing software, microSD, etc., and it would be inconvenient to block it with clay! So I changed the way I hold the Switch, so that the head is down and the tail is up. Now you can play the game while developing a sense of balance! Along with this, I drilled a hole in the back of the head for the speaker, and connected it to the mouth on the back of the head to improve the sound quality ( from my opinion)! In addition, the clay on the back side is indented in the shape of a finger to make it easier to hold!  
When I made that part, my second son asked, “Aren’t you going to make a face on the back? Just like the Crab Boy”. Certainly, the design of Crab Boy has a face on the shell. Exactly! I remembered that 17 years ago, when I made it, I used to put a face on it whenever I could find a place, even though I wasn’t asked to do so. So I made a face for it.

 イメージとしては、擬態。”小さい顔”に見せかけて、実は”ハンマーヘッドーの大きな顔の裏面”だった!という設定ですな。まあ口はそのままハンマーヘッドーの口になっちゃってるんですけどね! キングクリムゾンの『クリムゾンキングの宮殿』のジャケットをイメージして、目線を左に、歯は人間の歯にしてみました。側面には本当のハンマーヘッドーの目として、久しぶりにドールアイを使ってみました。

 The image is mimicry. It looks like a small face, but it’s actually the underside of a hammerhead shark’s big face! That’s how it’s set up. Well, the mouth is actually the mouth of a hammerhead shark! The eyes are to the left, and the teeth are human teeth, inspired by the jacket of King Crimson’s “In The Court Of The Crimson King”. On the sides, I used doll eyes for the first time in a long time as the eyes of a real hammerhead shark.


 And then, every time, a silicone rubber stamp of a stingray’s skin is pressed onto clay (greysculpy) to create the perfect shark skin!

 色は下面の白っぽい部分はクリーム色をベースに、顔面は薄めた赤と青で水彩画のように塗っていきました。鮫肌が際立つ感じになって良かったです。表面の濃い色は最初に濃紺みたいな濃い青を塗ってみたところ、裏面に比べてインパクトが弱い。試行錯誤の末、絵に描いた時の水面の模様を筆で描き入れ、さらにその影を黒で足すということにトライしてみました。伝わったでしょうか? ランダムに枠の大きさを替えるのが難しいかったです。

 I used cream as the base color for the whitish parts of the underside, and painted the face with lighter red and blue like a watercolor. I was happy with the way it made the shark skin stand out. I first tried painting the darker colors on the surface with a dark blue like navy blue, but it didn’t have as much impact as the back. After some trial and error, I tried to paint the pattern of the water surface with a brush and then added the shadows with black. I hope you get the idea. It was difficult to randomly change the size of the frame.

 というわけで発表になりました『片桐仁粘土道20周年記念創作大百科展』も開催されることになりました! 東京では8年ぶりの個展です。イラストや今まで作って創作物もたくさん展示します!是非実物を見に来てください!!

 So it was announced that the “JIN KATAGIRI SOSAKU DAI-HYAKKA” will also be held!
This will be my first solo exhibition in Tokyo in eight years, and I’ll be showing illustrations and many of my past creations! Please come and see the real thing!

片桐 仁
1973年11月27日生まれ / 埼玉県出身 / 多摩美術大学卒業
ドラマを中心に舞台、映画、ラジオなどで活躍中。近年の主な出演作は「99.9%-刑事専門弁護士-」(TBS)、「あなたの番です」(NTV)、「NHK 連続テレビ小説 エール」(NHK)などがある。
俳優業の傍ら粘土創作活動も行い、2016年から2018年までは「片桐仁不条理アート粘土作品展 ギリ展」にて全国ツアーを開催。2019年は初の海外個展を台湾で開催している。

Jin Katagiri
Born November 27, 1973 / Born in Saitama Prefecture / Graduated from Tama Art University
Active in the stage, movies, radio, etc., mainly in TV dramas series. Major appearances in recent years include “99.9% -Criminal Lawyer-” (TBS), “Your Turn to Kill” (NTV), and “NHK Morning drama series Yell” (NHK).
In addition to acting, he also creates clay, and from 2016 to 2018 he held a national tour at the “Jin Katagiri Absurdity Clay Art Exhibit Giri Ten.” In 2019, he is holding his first overseas solo exhibition in Taiwan.


About Nagasaki Prefecture


It is the prefecture with the largest number of islands in Japan, with a surprisingly large number of over 900 islands, including the Goto Islands, Iki, and Tsushima. During the Edo period (1603-1868), Dejima in Nagasaki was the only point of contact for Europe. It is a prefecture with close ties to Christianity, as the missionary Francis Xavier proselytized in the area. The Oura Church (Basilica) built at the end of the Edo period (1603-1868), was registered as a World Heritage Site in 2018. In addition, Nagasaki City, which was attacked by an atomic bomb on August 9, 1945, has a “Peace Park” to reflect on the war and pray for world peace.

世界遺産:大浦天主堂 The Oura Church (Basilica), World heritage
平和公園 平和祈念像
Nagasaki Peace Park Peace Statue

Photo provided by Nagasaki Tourism Federation
Permission was obtained from the Archdiocese of Nagasaki.



2020年春の会期が中止となっていた「粘土道20周年記念 片桐仁創作大百科展」の新会期が2021年11月20日(土)~12月19日(日)に決定しました!

The new exhibition period of the “JIN KATAGIRI SOSAKU DAI-HYAKKA” which had been canceled in the spring of 2020, has been set for November 20 (Sat) to December 19 (Sun), 2021!

さらに、前会期中止後にWEBメディア「THAT IS GOOD」内で制作した新作粘土作品や、片桐仁のYouTubeチャンネル「ギリちゃんねる」で作った作品、動画内にたびたび登場する片桐家リビング再現コーナーなどが新たに追加展示されるほか、クラウドファンディングによる本展のランドマークとなる「片桐仁的公園(仮)」を制作します。

The exhibition will cover all of Katagiri’s creative activities over the past 20 years, including the clay works he has published as Nendo-michi, paintings from his student days that will be shown for the first time, illustrations he has drawn for the serialization of “TV Bros,” and works he has created for interviews.
In addition, new clay works created for the web media “THAT IS GOOD” after the previous exhibition was canceled, works created for Jin Katagiri’s YouTube channel “Giri Channel,” and a re-creation of the Katagiri family’s living room, which often appears in the videos, will be newly added to the exhibition. Also, “Jin Katagiri’s Park (tentative)” will be created as a landmark of this exhibition by crowdfunding.

Image of Jin Katagiri’s Park (tentative)


There’s a crowdfunding effort underway to produce this!
The period ends at 23:59 on October 17 (Sun). Please support us!!



海を泳ぐハンマーヘッドーSwitch Lightを作ってみました!
I made Hammerhead Switch Light swimming in the ocean!

葛西臨海水族館にいるシュモクザメと一緒に、『ハンマーヘッドーSwitch Light』を撮影しようと思ったのですが、緊急事態宣言中だったのでかないませんでした。なので、都会の中を一緒に泳いできました。大空に浮かぶあの表情が、なんともたまらないです。この『ハンマーヘッドーSwitch Light』ですが、10月9日(土)〜10月17日までアーツ千代田 3331で開催の「WAVE TOKYO 2021」に出展されています。間近でご覧いただくことができますよ!

I was going to take a picture of Hammerhead Switch Light with the hammerhead shark at the Tokyo Sea Life Park, but I couldn’t because they were declaring a state of emergency. So, I let it swim in the city. I can’t get enough of that expression floating in the sky. This “Hammerhead – Switch Light” will be exhibited at “WAVE TOKYO 2021” held at 3331 Arts Chiyoda from October 9 (Sat) to 17 (Sun). You will be able to see it up close!


料金:1,000 円 / 65 歳以上、高校生以下無料

Location: 6-11-14, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Date: 2021.10.9 (Sat) – 17 (Sun)
Time: 11:00 – 19:00
Fee: 1,000 yen / Free for over 65 years old and high school students and younger
Free for those with disability certificate and one accompanying person.

文:THAT IS GOOD 編集部 藤田
TEXT : THAT IS GOOD editorial department, Fujita
