#zekkeidj #About 2020.10.12


“What to do now” sending appeals of Japanese culture for post-corona era


Due to the worldwide infection of the new coronavirus, each country experienced the first social situation such as lockdown and self-imposed isolation. Shops and facilities were closed to avoid “3Cs” and concerts and events were canceled, but everyone is still trying online online without giving up on communication.
Meanwhile, programs that let people watch beautiful images and pleasant music have become a hot topic, and various producers have begun to create content.

僕たちも、日本の絶景、日本のアーティスト、日本のスタッフで、「いつかまた行きたいライブの興奮、いつか行ってみたい美しい風景」を届け、日本の未来のファンを獲得するために、THAT IS GOODとして、絶景とMUSICのコラボコンテンツを制作することにしました。

We also decided to create a collaboration content of superb view and music with superb view of Japan, Japanese artists, and Japanese staff to deliver “the excitement of live performances that we want to go to again someday, and the beautiful scenery that we want to visit someday” to attract future fans of Japan.

日本にもまだまだ世界の人に知ってもらいたい絶景や文化的価値の高い場所が沢山あります。また、世界的に名前が知られるDJやアーティストも沢山います。これをコラボーレーションさせる「日本の良さを知ってもらう絶景での音楽チャンネル」が、「THAT IS GOOD」の絶景×MUSICです。

There are still many places in Japan with spectacular scenery and high cultural value that people around the world want to know. There are also many DJs and artists who are known around the world. “THAT IS GOOD”‘s superb view x MUSIC is “a music channel with a superb view that lets you know the goodness of Japan” by collaborating with DJs on a wonderful land.


The number of foreigners visiting Japan in 2019 is more than 30 million, and this year they cannot go anywhere, and there are many such people all over the world. And we are looking for an experience. We will send it to the world in order to convey to those people the good points and atmosphere of Japan that cannot express in words, which we would like them to feel at that place.


Shooting so far

7月 横須賀(神奈川)
友人のDJ Mariennuさんにお願いして、横須賀でテスト撮影を行いました。これは機材関係や撮影位置などで失敗も多いので、いつか編集してあげてみたいと思います。

July : Yokosuka (Kanagawa)
I asked my friend DJ Mariennu to take a test shot in Yokosuka. There are many mistakes in this due to equipment and shooting position, so I would like to edit it someday.

8月 武蔵御嶽神社(東京)/ 江ノ島(神奈川)
滝行の聖地である綾広の滝でJ.A.K.A.M.さんを撮影しました。今回第一弾に公開するコンテンツです。また、同じく8月にKAORU INOUEさんを江ノ島(神奈川)の灯台「シーキャンドル」にて撮影しました。こちらは翌週10月20日に公開されます。

August: Musashi Mitake Shrine (Tokyo)
I shot of J.A.K.A.M. at Ayahiro Falls, the sacred place for waterfalls. This is the first content to be released this time. Also, in August, I shot of KAORU INOUE at the lighthouse “Sea Candle” in Enoshima (Kanagawa). This will be released on October 20th the following week.

9月 三内丸山縄文遺跡(青森)/大湯環状列石(秋田)/猊鼻渓(岩手)
三内丸山縄文遺跡(青森)で、RABIRABIさんを撮影しました。また、大湯環状列石(秋田)にて、JUZU a.k.a. MOOCHYさんの撮影も行いました。この大湯環状列石や三内丸山縄文遺跡は、北海道・東北の縄文遺跡群として来年以降の世界遺産登録が期待されている場所でもあります。
さらに9月は、風光明媚な景色で知られる猊鼻渓(岩手)で KENSEIさんを迎え、民謡「げいび追分」とのコレボレーションも含むプレイを撮影しています。

September : the Sannai Maruyama Jomon site (Aomori)
RABIRABI was shot at the Sannai-Maruyama Jomon Site (Aomori). We also shot JUZU a.k.a. MOOCHY at Oyu Stone Circle Site (Akita). The Oyu Stone Circle Site and the Sannai-Maruyama Jomon Site are also expected to be registered as World Heritage Sites from next year onwards as a group of Jomon sites in Hokkaido and Tohoku.
Furthermore, in September, we welcomed KENSEI in Geibikei (Iwate), which is known for its scenic scenery, and we are shooting a play that includes a collaboration with the folk song “Geibi-oiwake”.

10月 先日は、清里テラス(山梨)の山頂からの眺望の中、starRoさんと撮影を行ってきました。これらの撮影済みの作品も、今後どんどんと公開していく予定です。

October : The other day, I shot with starRo in the view from the summit of Kiyosato Terrace (Yamanashi). We plan to release more and more of these shot works in the future.


Future shooting


From next month, we will shoot in Gusuku and remote islands in Okinawa. In addition, as a landscape that symbolizes Japan, we plan to shoot at places overlooking Mt. Fuji, castles, shrines and temples. Choose some places with a story in the background, such as a world heritage site, cultural buildings, objects of worship, power spots, etc., and ask those who have a connection to perform.


Through this content, we would like to support tourist spots in each region and the local governments that own them, and literally acquire “future Japanese fans” around the world.We will try to publish 2 to 3 videos in a month, so please support us and enjoy!
