Journeys Guided by Sound Egypt A great heritage buried in the earth 12
So we are in the village again.
Souvenirs are placed soberly from the pickup.
We are the only passengers on the boat.
How many tourists will probably come today? will come?
There is nothing in particular to sightsee, and nothing is the attraction of the place.
For someone like myself, who is not just a tourist but someone who travels around with heavy recording equipment on my back, “souvenirs” are basically things that I can finally choose after completing my mission and checking out at the airport, and I don’t even look at them during the trip.
On the contrary, I am afraid of being driven by greed and losing sight of my purpose lol
But now that I look at these photos again, I wish I had looked for more and bought more.
First of all, it would be rare for people from Japan to go to such a rural place, and prices are cheap.
Therefore, I think it is possible to buy a large quantity of such items at a low price and sell them in Japan for many times the price.
I’ve been recommended by many people regarding sub-businesses, maybe I could try this kind of folk art wholesale business someday? lol
A fascinating collection of items that convey the simplicity of Nubia.
I took a lot of pictures lol
But again, because of their simplicity, the vendors were not trying to sell anything to us at all.
So we just looked at them and said hello to each other and passed by in a landscape that seemed to have nothing to do with this business.
And once again, I feel the good taste of this village.
In any case, the colors are gentle and lovely.
And yet they have an exquisite depth that is chic and austere.
There are stores and other stores in the village, some of which are written in English, so I assume that tourists sometimes visit the village to do business, but as I mentioned earlier, there is no business here either.
is the word that says it all.
I should have looked for more. LOL
There are camels, but all the scenery in front of me is fantastic or has no sense of reality at all!
Rather than ethnic costumes, the Muslim clothes are more typical of Islamic countries in general, but the women’s clothes are relatively vivid and cool in comparison to the pastel colors of the buildings!
Electricity towers can be seen in the distance, but it still does not seem like the 21st century.
Is this view also the 21st century?
Mr. Salat, the aforementioned local guy, was really just a nice brother from the countryside. His English was not that good, and our conversation was not smooth, but I could sense the beauty of his heart and understood that he was a sincere person, so I trusted him and followed him without any doubts.
This also seems obvious, but things are not so simple in the materialistic society we live in.
Nevertheless, Japan seems to be a sincere nation in the eyes of the world, and all visitors to Japan say it is a wonderful country.
The word hospitality has somehow become a very popular term for people traveling abroad.
I don’t remember when I first learned the word myself, but now that I think about it, there are few countries that don’t have it.
I think it is customary and polite to welcome people from “outside” in any country.
At the same time, however, there is certainly the habit and feeling of being suspicious and fearful of people from the “outside”.
Those who have traveled and received generous care from people of a different ethnic culture will want to return it when they are in a position to welcome others.
Conversely, without such an experience, perhaps it is only natural that “Gaijin (foreigner)” is something to be feared.
Anyway, it seems we have arrived at today’s recording location.
The ground is sand too! The colors, the pictures on the walls, everything is peaceful and cute!
I did not know how to react when I was suddenly shown a baby crocodile living there lol, but it seemed to be a place where such creatures also live.
And the neighbors who had gathered from somewhere for the two of us.
It was almost as if Japanese people had never been to such a place before, and they had come to see a completely rare animal?
Then, the equipment was brought in,
The performance begins immediately.
They were quick to set up and play and sing well, as if they were comedians in their own right!
I spread out the equipment I had brought with me.
At that time, I was using an audio interface called Duet by a company called Apogee, so the sound quality was good, but there were only two channels available for recording, one for the keyboard and drum machine person and the other for the vocalist.
They did not speak English, so I could not have a conversation with them at all, but this vocalist’s voice was especially good.
There was a gentleness and nobility that was typical of Nubia, and I simply enjoyed their performance.
The gals in the audience also get strangely excited!
Anyway, why is the relaxing atmosphere so similar to that of Japanese festivals?
Then, the recording started in earnest with a headphone.
キーボード兼リズムの人の音は良くも悪くもベタベタな現行のヌビア大衆サウンドという感じで、自分の作る音楽にはどうしようもなかったが、彼の声はうまいこと編集して、この曲に収録し、先述したJ.A.K.A.M.関連の作品を何作か出してくれて、今も繋がってるイスラエル出自のレーベルMALKA TUTIからヴァイナル(レコード)も2017年にリリースされた。
The keyboardist and rhythm guy sounded like a common current Nubian popular sound, for better or worse, and I couldn’t help the music I was making, but his voice was edited well and included in this song. And vinyl (records) was also released in 2017 on the Israeli label MALKA TUTI, with whom I am still connected, after they released several J.A.K.A.M. related works mentioned below.
We hope to be a small bridge between Egypt and Israel, which as mentioned above are adversaries, to interact and respect each other through music.
And the women and children I thought were cronies? also played.
The performance was harmonious, beautiful, and very nice with a strong life force, and I got good vibes from it!
The woman’s strange voice lol, which appeared frequently in the African, Islamic, and Middle Eastern sections, was so cool that when I asked her to let me record it, she was puzzled but allowed me to do so.
That was also used in the middle of the following song.
Then the first part of the recording was over for the moment, and it was time for dinner.
It was not fancy, and I don’t know if it was a daily food type or a rice for guests, but as you can see, it was a common Egyptian rice, well, not colorful, but it was delicious lol
To be continued.
東京出身。15歳からバンドとDJの活動を並行して始め、スケートボードを通して知り合ったメンバーで結成されたバンドEvilPowersMeの音源は、結成後すぐにアメリカのイラストレイターPusheadのレーベル等からリリースされる。DJとしてもその革新的でオリジナルなスタイルが一世を風靡し、瞬く間に国内外の巨大なフェスからアンダーグランドなパーティまで活動が展開される。 ソロの楽曲制作としても米Grand RoyalからのBuffalo Daughterのリミックスを皮切りに、Boredoms等のリミックス等メジャー、インディー問わず様々なレーベルからリリースされる。2003年にキューバで現地ミュージシャンとレコーディングツアーを敢行したのを皮切りに、その後世界各地で録音を重ね、新たなWorld Musicの指針として、立ち上げたレーベルCROSSPOINTを始動。
2015年から始まった怒濤の9ヶ月連続ヴァイナルリリースは大きな話題になり、その影響でベルリン/イスラエルのレーベルMalka Tutiなどからワールドワイドにリリースされ、DJ TASAKAとのHIGHTIME Inc.、Nitro Microphone UndergroundのMACKA-CHINとPART2STYLEのMaLとのユニットZEN RYDAZ、Minilogue/Son KiteのMarcus HenrikssonとKuniyukiとのユニットMYSTICSなど、そのオリジナルなヴィジョンは、あらゆるジャンルをまたぎ、拡散し続けている。また音楽制作のみならず、映像作品、絵本や画集 のプロデュース、野外フェスOoneness Camp”縄文と再生”を企画するなど活動は多岐に渡る。
Born in Tokyo, he started playing in bands and DJing at the same time when he was 15. As a DJ, his innovative and original style and his activities have quickly expanded from huge festivals to underground parties both in Japan and abroad. In 2003, he went on a recording tour with local musicians in Cuba, and since then he has been recording all over the world, and started his own label, Crosspoint, as a new guideline for New World Music.
In music production, he has also produced video works, picture books and art books, and organized the outdoor festival “Jomon and Rebirth” in 2012.
9 consecutive months of vinyl releases in 2015 became a big topic, and his fourth album was released at the end of that year, which led to the worldwide release of his new album on the Berlin/Israeli label Malka Tuti.
HIGHTIME Inc. with DJ TASAKA in 2017, and ZEN RYDAZ, a unit with MACKA-CHIN of Nitro Microphone Underground and MaL of PART2STYLE, in 2018.
In the same year, his music under the name of J.A.K.A.M. was released in analog form on the French label HardFist, which led to a live performance at the huge 30,000-person Nuits Sonores Festival in Lyon, followed by a DJ tour of Europe and Israel.
In 2019, the production of MYSTICS, a unit with Marcus Henriksson and Kuniyuki of Minilogue/Son Kite, which has a worldwide following, will begin, and the long-awaited album will be released in 2021.
His original vision is spreading across all genres and around the world.
校正・英訳:編集部 名取、池上
Proofreading and English translation: Editorial department Natori, Ikegami