音に導かれる旅 エジプト 土に埋もれた大いなる遺産 15

Journeys Guided by Sound Egypt A Great Heritage Buried in the Earth 15

土に埋もれた大いなる遺産 15

A Great Heritage Buried in the Earth 15

6~28, June 2013

Back 2 the City

Cairo, where I had been until the other day, looked different after visiting Aswan, the core of Egypt.

First of all, the differences in people’s faces became distinct.

(その後出会う、OKI DUBのOKIさんや先日惜しくもなくなったフトシさんも含め)

For example, in 2002, I visited Lake Akan in Hokkaido, the Shakushain Memorial Museum, and the former Nibutani Village site, now Nibutani Dam, and saw the faces of the Ainu people, although there were not many of them, and it was obvious that they were not like those in Tokyo.
(including Mr.OKI of OKI DUB and Mr.Futoshi, who sadly passed away the other day)


Especially at the memorial museum that tells the fact that the Shakushain Rebellion (The website is only in Japanese) took place, not only did they welcome us, even though we were too far from the road in Hokkaido and it was close to closing time. He not only let us in by all means, but also said, “Tomorrow there will be a dance here, and we will practice for it here afterwards. We are going to have a bear stew before that, would you like to join us?” He asked us if we would like to join him and we were invited and even got a milky white liquor that looked like dobrok?.
They even offered us to stay here if we wanted.
We declined politely because we had our own plans, but I still had the same impression that they were very warm people, not like the Nubians, and I felt their high level of humanity.


That experience gave me a sense of value or image of the people called “Ainu” in my mind.
That is why I actively released OKI’s works on my own label after that, in large part because I was moved by the kindness of those people at that time.
I don’t know if I have any Ainu blood in me.
In terms of my lineage, I am not a person with any pedigree at all, which may be common in Tokyo, and I have no relatives, no countryside, no graves, and my parents are people who do not know my roots at all, so there is no way to trace them back to me.
Perhaps that is why I am attracted to people whose roots are obvious.
It is as if I can look at my own roots through them.


In Cairo, typical Nubian faces like those I met in Aswan are sparse.
Most are Arabs, and 95% of the politicians, entrepreneurs, and shopkeepers have that look.
Historically, the indigenous people of Egypt are clearly Nubian, but I think Cairo is now the place where the Nubians have been exterminated through invasion, domination, and reproduction.


This may not be a pleasant story for the many Arabs living in Cairo, nor for the many non-Ainu living in Tokyo.
However, those who were born in Tokyo and Cairo without knowing why and have lived there for generations without leaving any trace of their roots, including themselves, are not to blame.

No one can choose the circumstances of birth.

What was born there was just a natural fate, and there was nothing to do but to deal with the given situation.

So I don’t look at the people living in Cairo now as invaders or anything like that.

But anyway, I felt again that the faces of the Nubian people were few there.

As I mentioned earlier, in the flow of history, people are at the mercy of it, and we just have to live our lives so as not to drown in it..

Back in Cairo, I once again feel the depth of the oud’s resonance.

Cafe in Cairo Egypt 2013.1
Cafe in Cairo Egypt 2013 June 2
Cafe in Cairo Egypt 2013 June 3


Here in Cairo, too, as mentioned earlier, alcohol is not sold except in tourist hotels.
There are many places like this one in Cairo, and it seems to be a common practice to listen to traditional music performances like this one in Japan.


Imagine walking into a coffee shop in Japan and hearing koto, shamisen, or shakuhachi music being played on a daily basis.
It would definitely affect our sensibilities in some way, and we would become more aware of our own ethnic identity from the performances of older people, like the performers in this video.
This will give rise to respect and appreciation for our ancestors?

Maybe I think because I was depleted of such objects.


However, my grandmother, who was actually the landlord of what is known as my own Tokyo family home, was originally from rural Nagoya, married in Tokyo, and her older sister and younger sister also lived in the same area, perhaps by coincidence, and until I was about 14 years old, until my grandmother’s sister died, four grandmothers played the shamisen and played hanafuda with her until guests several times a week.
My grandmother never drank or smoked, and the other members of the group were not at all a bunch of party people, but the smell of cigarettes and the chintong-shang of the shamisen were the background music in my parents’ house when I was a boy, and I think they had a great influence on me again recently.

Such a situation would be rare in Tokyo, and I am sure that the sound of these instruments was a factor in my becoming fascinated by the appeal of “ethnic instruments”.


As an aside, this grandmother was on my mother’s side and was very kind to me, as I was her first grandchild.
However, I felt something strange about her from an early age.
Later, when I was able to make a living as a musician and left my parents’ house, I had a drink with my father at a pub to ask him about my roots, and I was shocked to learn that she was not related to you or your mother.
My mother had learned this fact for the first time when my parents went to register their marriage.
I don’t know the details, but my mother was born in Toyama, but she (i.e., my grandmother) left that house with my 3-year-old mother and her sister, went to Tokyo, and either sold or gave them to my grandmother when she remarried someone else.

Incidentally, my father’s side of the family was also a very serious fact, but I will omit it here, but in any case, my roots were covered with bushes.

Anyway, my grandmother, who played the shamisen, lost the association after her own sister passed away, and she stopped playing the shamisen altogether, and its sound disappeared from her house.

It was just at the time when I was starting to completely go astray, so I feel something meaningful about it.

Anyway, my grandmother passed away a long time ago, and I received the shamisen that she left behind, and it is in my house.


Even after learning the truth that she was a stranger to me, my appreciation for my grandmother never changed.
My grandmother used to tell me how much she loved me, and I loved spending time with her because I always felt her kind eyes on me.
When I was still making music at home, she would peek out from behind me and ask, “What’s wrong?” and she would say, “It’s a very nice song.”
Even if my appearance was getting a little rough, she would laugh.


And as a side note, I mentioned before that I was on a tour of Japan after the dreadful 3.11 of 2011, screening and DJing a film called “Hopi Prophecy” all over Japan. In Morioka City, an elderly woman with Ainu roots called “Fuchan” took a liking to me at an izakaya and told me, “You’re staying at my house tonight! She took me to her house and showed me some rare footage of the legendary Ainu 10,000 Year Festival, and when I told her about my background, she said, “A person like you is called a space traveler. There is nowhere to return to, and we continue to wander.”
I did not think it was a sad story at all, but rather it made me feel better.

Not having a place to stay also means being free.

The world is also interesting when viewed from the perspective of the “space traveler.”
Since we have no definite roots or lineage of our own, we are all other people, but we can also be kin.

I also feel compassion for the city people who live hard in Cairo.

And once again, the objective impression that this situation, and perhaps this world, is being affected in some positive way by “Islam” became increasingly stronger.


My aforementioned grandmother was a Shintoist, Buddhist, and Christian? (I failed to ask her about the details), and she ran a factory all by herself, , and she often donated money around the world, perhaps for tax purposes?
On the other hand, my father, who was practically the leader of our family, was a complete atheist and always had a hatred for all kinds of people who were called “religion,” “clergy,” or “priests.

Growing up in a house with such conflicting spiritual conditions, I conversely asked myself, “What is God? What the hell is religion?’
I was forced to think about this.

In this vein, here in Cairo, I decided to visit this sacred place of Islamic studies and the oldest educational institution in the world.



It was established in 970 A.D., which is the middle of the Heian period in Japan.
Kyoto was fortunate to avoid being bombed in World War II, and I believe many of the buildings have been inherited from that period, but this university is not just a historical building, not just a tourist attraction, but is still ‘alive’ as a current university.
For more than 1000 years!

Since this is a mosque as well as an educational institution, theology is definitely the main focus, and the solemnity of the building was remarkable.

And inside that mosque I felt a sense of peace, as if I were experiencing both the warmth and the harshness of my grandmother and grandfather.

Since the aforementioned Senegal, I had incorporated Islamic prayer times and other practices into my own life, so I prayed alone here as well.

The place to pray inside the mosque was carpeted, and everyone was either sleeping or praying seriously, in a sense, each to his or her own way. I came here alone, it was hot outside, and I was so comfortable inside that after the prayer, I was like I fell asleep…

Thanks to this, we are somewhat tired and climb to the rooftop.


Compared to Japan, there is far less greenery.
But when I look down on the city from above like this, I feel a sense of compassion for the entire city.
Although I have not spent much time here, I have begun to feel that the daily life and culture here are something to be loved.


In the midst of all this, again, a young man by the name of Muhammad approached me and asked, “Are you a Muslim?” and I replied ‘I don’t know.’ But explained that I was in a situation where I was under the influence of it, reading books and practicing it to understand it better,

He said, “I would love for you to come to my hometown and talk to our imam.” Somehow, he didn’t seem like a bad person by any stretch of the imagination, so we decided to go for it and we both got on the bus.

It is a 40-50 minute bus ride from the center of Cairo, probably outside of Kampachi in Tokyo.
The traffic situation in Cairo is very bad, so it takes a long time to get there, but it is the first time for me to go to the suburbs.

The streets are dirty with garbage.

Theology is polarizing, but one gets the impression that moral and socio-environmental know-how has not kept pace with the times.

Then we arrived at Muhammad’s local mosque.

For about an hour and a half to two hours, I had a heated conversation, or debate lol, with the imam.

Soon it was time for evening prayer, so we all decided to pray together and joined in.


I think it was a prayer song at that time, or a verse from the Koran, but I was ridiculously blown away by that voice of about 20 men, in perfect unison, and the flanger effect made the voices sound like synthesizers, overtones.
I had never heard such an amazing voice and tone before, and as I write this, I haven’t since.

It was a tremendously worthwhile time for me to have this experience.

As much as I would have liked to have recorded it, it was not such a situation, and it became something that remained only in my memory.

Anyway, a daily ritual in Egypt, in Cairo, in the suburbs, in one city that gets no attention in the world.
It was good to know the weight and the height of it.

These rich days in Egypt are finally approaching their finale.

To be continued

画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: JUZU-アー写0708.jpg


東京出身。15歳からバンドとDJの活動を並行して始め、スケートボードを通して知り合ったメンバーで結成されたバンドEvilPowersMeの音源は、結成後すぐにアメリカのイラストレイターPusheadのレーベル等からリリースされる。DJとしてもその革新的でオリジナルなスタイルが一世を風靡し、瞬く間に国内外の巨大なフェスからアンダーグランドなパーティまで活動が展開される。 ソロの楽曲制作としても米Grand RoyalからのBuffalo Daughterのリミックスを皮切りに、Boredoms等のリミックス等メジャー、インディー問わず様々なレーベルからリリースされる。2003年にキューバで現地ミュージシャンとレコーディングツアーを敢行したのを皮切りに、その後世界各地で録音を重ね、新たなWorld Musicの指針として、立ち上げたレーベルCROSSPOINTを始動。
2015年から始まった怒濤の9ヶ月連続ヴァイナルリリースは大きな話題になり、その影響でベルリン/イスラエルのレーベルMalka Tutiなどからワールドワイドにリリースされ、DJ TASAKAとのHIGHTIME Inc.、Nitro Microphone UndergroundのMACKA-CHINとPART2STYLEのMaLとのユニットZEN RYDAZ、Minilogue/Son KiteのMarcus HenrikssonとKuniyukiとのユニットMYSTICSなど、そのオリジナルなヴィジョンは、あらゆるジャンルをまたぎ、拡散し続けている。また音楽制作のみならず、映像作品、絵本や画集 のプロデュース、野外フェスOoneness Camp”縄文と再生”を企画するなど活動は多岐に渡る。

Born in Tokyo, he started playing in bands and DJing at the same time when he was 15. As a DJ, his innovative and original style and his activities have quickly expanded from huge festivals to underground parties both in Japan and abroad. In 2003, he went on a recording tour with local musicians in Cuba, and since then he has been recording all over the world, and started his own label, Crosspoint, as a new guideline for New World Music.
In music production, he has also produced video works, picture books and art books, and organized the outdoor festival “Jomon and Rebirth” in 2012.
9 consecutive months of vinyl releases in 2015 became a big topic, and his fourth album was released at the end of that year, which led to the worldwide release of his new album on the Berlin/Israeli label Malka Tuti.
HIGHTIME Inc. with DJ TASAKA in 2017, and ZEN RYDAZ, a unit with MACKA-CHIN of Nitro Microphone Underground and MaL of PART2STYLE, in 2018.
In the same year, his music under the name of J.A.K.A.M. was released in analog form on the French label HardFist, which led to a live performance at the huge 30,000-person Nuits Sonores Festival in Lyon, followed by a DJ tour of Europe and Israel.
In 2019, the production of MYSTICS, a unit with Marcus Henriksson and Kuniyuki of Minilogue/Son Kite, which has a worldwide following, will begin, and the long-awaited album will be released in 2021.
His original vision is spreading across all genres and around the world.

校正・英訳:編集部 名取、池上
Proofreading and English translation: Editorial department Natori, Ikegami
