Journeys Guided by Sound India The Wisdom of Spirit and Body 1
インド ケララ
Kerala, India
February 13~March 19, 2020
In the sound of “Ohm” that has been flowing from ancient times,
I can feel the eternity of time
I was so excited to hear the voice of an Indian person, which I had been doing in Japan by myself, just by guessing.
This yoga teacher I met by chance this time was probably a former bad boy, who had been doing it since he was a little boy because his grandfather was a yoga teacher? while he was playing wind-up music, but he seemed to be someone who learned and practiced it seriously as an adult, and I felt some sympathy for his life itself, and we became friends right away.
He also seemed to like this kind of person, and he treated me well in private.
It was also a valuable experience for me to discuss with him various topics that I usually cannot talk about in Japan.
He talked about Indian manners, such as never putting water in warm water (the reason for this is elemental?). ), the image of Islam, the mythological legend of Patanjali, the importance of music, and so on.
Early morning yoga in the open-air jungle, which is unique to South India, was truly exceptional, and I began to think about the depth of yoga and its quintessence, the Vedas (wisdom).
During those few days, the word Ayurveda, which I saw everywhere, had begun to interest me in its existence, which was a perfect foreshadowing of what was to follow.
自分自体はNo Fear,No Protectionをテーマにしているので、守るよりは,鍛え、強くなり、それを倒す、という方向性でいるのだが、でもそれは闇雲にいきがっているわけではなく、重要なのは身体と精神になるということだ。
I myself am working on the theme of No Fear, No Protection, so my direction is to train, get stronger, and defeat it rather than protect it, but that does not mean that I am just being stubborn; what is important is to be physical and mental.
Improvement of the body itself through diet, physical maintenance, and discipline.
All people are conceived in their mother’s belly, born into the world, and one day die.
In this finite time of life, the body is our best friend and the most important vehicle that carries our spirit and mind.
The study of such a body is probably one of the best in this world, even now, since ancient times, and the very wisdom, YOGA, has much to learn again now, even for me.
The joy of doing this under the sun in this jungle-like ambient sound was quite ecstatic.
Many of the words are surprisingly unfamiliar to me because of the detailed body names that come up.
And below is the beginning of the aforementioned book I received when I was about 23.
The yoga school that inspired me to take up yoga, and that I had been practicing based on this book, was Sivananda’s school, and his ashram (temple) in NeyarrDam, his home base, was less than a two-hour drive from here, so I decided to go.
Then we arrived!
But again, for different reasons from Amma’s ashram, there are dormitory rooms available, but not for babies, and private rooms are not available because of the busyness of the teacher training (although dinner will be served)…
At a loss, we arrived here with the support of a Japanese woman there and the suggestion of a cab driver who knew her.
We arrived at night and didn’t know what to expect, but we were allowed to stay the night for the time being, and when we woke up in the morning, it was a jungle.
And it is a house where Ayurveda (“wisdom of life” in Sanskrit) has been passed down for five generations.
It is truly a house of the purana purana = (old) tradition (Sanskrit).
Below are some herbs grown in the garden.
Here the story begins again!
東京出身。15歳からバンドとDJの活動を並行して始め、スケートボードを通して知り合ったメンバーで結成されたバンドEvilPowersMeの音源は、結成後すぐにアメリカのイラストレイターPusheadのレーベル等からリリースされる。DJとしてもその革新的でオリジナルなスタイルが一世を風靡し、瞬く間に国内外の巨大なフェスからアンダーグランドなパーティまで活動が展開される。 ソロの楽曲制作としても米Grand RoyalからのBuffalo Daughterのリミックスを皮切りに、Boredoms等のリミックス等メジャー、インディー問わず様々なレーベルからリリースされる。2003年にキューバで現地ミュージシャンとレコーディングツアーを敢行したのを皮切りに、その後世界各地で録音を重ね、新たなWorld Musicの指針として、立ち上げたレーベルCROSSPOINTを始動。
2015年から始まった怒濤の9ヶ月連続ヴァイナルリリースは大きな話題になり、その影響でベルリン/イスラエルのレーベルMalka Tutiなどからワールドワイドにリリースされ、DJ TASAKAとのHIGHTIME Inc.、Nitro Microphone UndergroundのMACKA-CHINとPART2STYLEのMaLとのユニットZEN RYDAZ、Minilogue/Son KiteのMarcus HenrikssonとKuniyukiとのユニットMYSTICSなど、そのオリジナルなヴィジョンは、あらゆるジャンルをまたぎ、拡散し続けている。また音楽制作のみならず、映像作品、絵本や画集 のプロデュース、野外フェスOoneness Camp”縄文と再生”を企画するなど活動は多岐に渡る。
Born in Tokyo, he started playing in bands and DJing at the same time when he was 15. As a DJ, his innovative and original style and his activities have quickly expanded from huge festivals to underground parties both in Japan and abroad. In 2003, he went on a recording tour with local musicians in Cuba, and since then he has been recording all over the world, and started his own label, Crosspoint, as a new guideline for New World Music.
In music production, he has also produced video works, picture books and art books, and organized the outdoor festival “Jomon and Rebirth” in 2012.
9 consecutive months of vinyl releases in 2015 became a big topic, and his fourth album was released at the end of that year, which led to the worldwide release of his new album on the Berlin/Israeli label Malka Tuti.
HIGHTIME Inc. with DJ TASAKA in 2017, and ZEN RYDAZ, a unit with MACKA-CHIN of Nitro Microphone Underground and MaL of PART2STYLE, in 2018.
In the same year, his music under the name of J.A.K.A.M. was released in analog form on the French label HardFist, which led to a live performance at the huge 30,000-person Nuits Sonores Festival in Lyon, followed by a DJ tour of Europe and Israel.
In 2019, the production of MYSTICS, a unit with Marcus Henriksson and Kuniyuki of Minilogue/Son Kite, which has a worldwide following, will begin, and the long-awaited album will be released in 2021.
His original vision is spreading across all genres and around the world.
校正・英訳:編集部 名取、池上
Proofreading and English translation: Editorial department Natori, Ikegami