音に導かれる旅 トルコ・モロッコ・セネガル イスラムとの邂逅 後編

トルコ・モロッコ・セネガル イスラムとの邂逅 後編

Turkey, Morocco, Senegal Encounter with Islam latter part


I told them I wanted to look for records and they gave me two young men as escorts and we went to an area that looked like the Ameyoko in Dakar’s Ueno.


I was in this area when some guy tackled me and tried to take something from me. Unfortunately, he fell down, and as a result, my escort beat him up…I looked around and saw about a thousand people in all black looking at me, and the situation was quite thrilling. It was a thrilling experience. It was a good thing that I had been physically fit. And I’m glad I had an escort….

After that, I went to see a very famous local singer named VIVIAN live at a club and live music club run by Yusundur, who has also entered politics, with one of his escorts.

There I got hit on by a girl and was later taken to an old gas-panic bar in Roppongi, but I didn’t intervene in those unnecessary things and laughed, but it was good to feel the atmosphere of the place in those places. There are “bad” areas everywhere, and there is a thick reality, which is why I could feel the breath of the masses.

セネガルは勿論、西アフリカにおいて重要な太鼓 “ジャンベ” の工房にも連れて行ってもらった。
I was taken to a workshop of “djembe” drums, which are very important in West Africa, not to mention Senegal.

Of course, we also recorded for several days in small groups.

The onlookers, or rather galleries, that are a common feature of this kind of guerrilla recording are also somewhat tranquil, as is typical of Africa and Gorée.

These drum recordings are also included in the following music.

ジャンベやコラと共に西アフリカでの重要楽器 “バラフォン” の録音
Recording of the “balafon,” an important instrument in West Africa, along with the djembe and kora.

His playing at this time is on the music below

The participation of rapper 4Leuz, who was about 23 years old at the time, was also very moving.


He came forward to record the track himself, explained his production concept through Latir, He listened to the track, wrote the lyrics on the spot, and here is the resulting song.


The combination of the two islanders, he from Gorée Island and RITTO from Okinawa, is quite a nice one.
He has since become one of Senegal’s leading conscious rappers.


And the biggest and most personal gain of this recording session in Senegal was the opportunity to work with RITTO.He has since moved to Japan, where he has recorded several times since then, and has become a close friend of mine.

コラ奏者 Karamo Cissokhoとの録音
Recording with kora player Karamo Cissokho

His sound on these songs.


Incidentally, he is from a family that has played only music for generations, the so-called grios, and is in a somewhat shamanic or psychic mood as a complete itako or medium.
When I recorded him on the above song called PRAY, he so smoothly adapted the melody to the track that I asked him if this was an improvised melody. I asked him, and he said, “It’s a song dedicated to the king of Mandinga 700 years ago!”


The reality that a melody from 700 years ago can be created here and now is, in a sense, possible only through music.


The listener is transported to that time in a time machine.

He will also join a circle of djembes and dancers that Latir has participated in as a training ground since he was a boy.


In the photo above, the person in the white T-shirt on the upper left is probably Down’s Syndrome in Japan, but I personally felt a sense of affinity with him because he blends naturally with the members of the drum circle. The group WANOWA, which was recently released on our CROSSPOINT label, is organized by Yohei Yamaura, a friend of mine who was born in Fukuoka, lives in Mie, and currently works at a care facility for the handicapped in Nara. WANOWA is a group organized by Yohei Yamaura, a friend of mine who currently lives and works in a nursing home for the disabled in Nara.


People with disabilities may be treated as lacking in modern society and daily life, but in the world of music and art, their expressions are so rich in life force that they overwhelm normal people.


In other places, so-called “crazy” people, who are no longer seen on the streets of Japan, can also be found, just like the goats mentioned above.


In modern Japan, such people are placed in institutions and hidden away. Personally, however, I think that it would be better for children to feel the diversity of each person’s existence rather than to average them out, and to feel the value that every person has something lacking and that no one is perfect, so that they will not be so pessimistic about themselves and suicide will be less likely.


As Yohei Yamaura, mentioned above, often says, “It is as it is,” and this place is exactly “as it is.
If each person could live “as it is,” there would be no lies, and we would be able to spend our time comfortably.

There were many things that I can’t write about here.


Anyway, it was a total wonderful experience, but above all, I never thought that I would be able to feel the core of Islam completely within myself and in this far western land.


The MOVEMENT called Islam, which was born in Saudi Arabia, was already taking root in Africa by the end of the 700s, the Heian period in Japan, and here in Senegal, West Africa, there were leaders around 1000 AD, which is almost the same as the establishment of Buddhism in Japan.


I think that salaam aleikum is a common word for West Africans, just as we can say Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to anyone.


If Mecca in Saudi Arabia is the center of this phenomenon, I can’t help but think it is an interesting phenomenon that someone like myself, who was born in the Far East, is deeply aware of it here in the Far West.

Incidentally, I just recently finished reading the following book.


I won’t go into a lengthy description of the book, but I will just say that I was blown away by the eye-opening and overwhelming array of facts.


As readers of this column will know, the Caribbean countries I experienced and the island of Goree in Senegal are the central subjects of this book, and there is no doubt that the wealth deprivation of the Western countries (especially Britain, France, and Spain) through slavery was so terrible that the result was the current global economic status of the world. The book is also a good example of why the distortion of historical facts, including by the media, has placed only the Western European countries in a significant political position.


To put it simply, the wealth that has come from nefarious abduction and extortion is the true nature of the G5 and the like.
I don’t think many people understand the situation in which these nefarious people are wearing fancy suits and pretending to be world leaders.


The Black Lives Matter movement of recent years may be seen as a regional movement in the U.S., but it is also taking place in North America, South America, Africa, India, and other parts of Asia, and even here in Japan, the colonial system is still in place, with Okinawa (U.S. military base) at the top of the list.


After all, the Japanese government still contributes huge sums of money to the U.S. government in the form of royalties.
What would we call it if we did not call it a colony?


I urge you to reexamine your imagination about the harshness of the situation, which you can never understand just by watching TV.
Islam as a culture and its history should not be taken for granted from what is published in the so-called Western media.
I believe that music can be an opportunity to learn the truth that does not appear in the current media or historical facts.


There are not many Muslims living in Japan, but if you have a chance to meet them in Shin-Okubo or any other area where there are Muslims, I would be happy if you could feel their vibe in person, even if it is just a small conversation.
And I hope you will listen to the music played by Muslims from all over the world, including those from Africa who believe in Islam.


We are their fellow countrymen and how to break the colonial rule that still continues.
I do not mean to imply that all Westerners are the enemy.


If we do not grasp the structure of this world anew and get out of the propaganda, our descendants will unknowingly become perpetrators, and eventually their children will become victims again… I want to avoid that repetition.

I have spoken a bit passionately about Islam, slavery, and the dark side of modern society, which Latir talks about at the end.

As someone who has set himself up as a CROSSPOINT, I have learned a lot from this trip.

先日のBABA ZULAのライブでDJをした代わりに、ネイという尺八のような笛の演奏者を紹介してもらう話は段取りができていて、たった1日の猶予しかなかったが、レコーディングを敢行できた。

Then I greeted Latir and his friends with Salaam Aleikum and returned to Istanbul, the very CROSSPOINT of the West and the East.
The arrangement was made for me to be introduced to a shakuhachi-like flute player named Ney in exchange for DJing at the recent BABA ZULA concert, and although I only had a day to spare, I was able to record the music.

待ち合わせ場所は、ゆくゆくというかこの年の翌年、CROSSPOINTからリリースすることになるYAKAZA ENSEMBLEのスタジオで、そのネイ演奏者はメンバーのFakih(ファキー)だった。

The meeting place was the studio of YAKAZA ENSEMBLE, which would eventually be released on CROSSPOINT the following year, and the player was Fakih, a member of the band.

これらの演奏・録音はRe:OnenessやEarth Danceという楽曲に収録された。
These performances and recordings were included in the songs Re:Oneness and Earth Dance.


Although it was their first time to meet, it didn’t feel like the first time at all.
Especially Fakih, who himself plays the shakuhachi and has a deep knowledge of Japanese culture, was full of love and respect.
This is not only true for them, but also for all Turks…

The Ertugrul disaster, which has been made into a movie海難1890エルトゥールル号遭難事件


The movie “The Ertugrul Disaster” was a case that all Turks knew about, and I later came to understand why everyone was so kind to each other.
The film is well made and very moving, and I highly recommend you to watch it.


The recording itself lasted about an hour, and I could not talk much because I had a plane to catch on my way back home…but I listened to the CD of YAKAZA’s first album, which they gave me, on my PC on the Shinkansen bullet train to Sendai after I had reloaded my luggage.

Inshallah indeed. I can only say that it is God’s will.


I asked SYUNOVEN, the painter waiting ahead of me, how these guys would sound for the art book I had been approaching him about. He replied, “They are perfect.

That is what this piece is about.





This trip deeply implanted in me the awareness of Islam and made me deeply aware that there are many people scattered all over the earth who believe in the religion, including its ideology (said to be more than 1/3 of the total population).
I believe that the musical experience is at the same time an access to human activity, in other words, to human beings themselves and their hearts.
Religion has more to do with that heart-connected life than Japanese people today realize.
It is true that many people, like the cab driver who appeared in the first part of this article, suffer from the curse of religion.
However, my personal interpretation of religion is that it is only a “teaching” and a “lesson.
How can we, the younger generation, take the wisdom that our seniors, who have overcome many difficulties, have cultivated through their experiences, and apply it to the future?
It is said that fools learn from experience and the wise learn from history, but personally, I would like to learn from both experience and history.
Even if you miss the plane lol It is sometimes important to spend meaningful time there, and learning about history from the aforementioned books and other sources, learning about the current situation, and what kind of future you are going to create…

I greet them with salaam aleikum and vow to see them again.
And the journey still continues.

画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: JUZU-アー写0708.jpg

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東京出身。15歳からバンドとDJの活動を並行して始め、スケートボードを通して知り合ったメンバーで結成されたバンドEvilPowersMeの音源は、結成後すぐにアメリカのイラストレイターPusheadのレーベル等からリリースされる。DJとしてもその革新的でオリジナルなスタイルが一世を風靡し、瞬く間に国内外の巨大なフェスからアンダーグランドなパーティまで活動が展開される。 ソロの楽曲制作としても米Grand RoyalからのBuffalo Daughterのリミックスを皮切りに、Boredoms等のリミックス等メジャー、インディー問わず様々なレーベルからリリースされる。2003年にキューバで現地ミュージシャンとレコーディングツアーを敢行したのを皮切りに、その後世界各地で録音を重ね、新たなWorld Musicの指針として、立ち上げたレーベルCrosspointを始動。
音楽制作のみならず、映像作品、絵本や画集 のプロデュース、2012年には野外フェスOoneness Camp”縄文と再生”を企画するなど活動は多岐に渡るが、 2015年から始まった怒濤の9ヶ月連続ヴァイナルリリースは大きな話題になり、その影響でベルリン/イスラエルのレーベルMalka Tutiから新作がワールドワイドにリリースされる。2017年にはDJ TasakaとのHIGHTIME Inc.、2018年にはNitroMicrophoneUndergroundのMACKA-CHINとPART2STYLEのMaLとのユニットZEN RYDAZの活動もスタート。
同年、J.A.K.A.M.名義の楽曲がフランスのレーベルHardFistからアナログリリースされた流れで3万人の巨大フェスNuits Sonores Festivalでのライブを皮切りにヨーロッパ、イスラエル等のDJツアーが敢行される。そして2019年、世界的な支持を受けるMinilogue/Son KiteのMarcus HenrikssonとKuniyukiとのユニットMYSTICSの制作が始まり、今年2021年、待望のアルバムがリリースされるなど、そのオリジナルなヴィジョンがあらゆるジャンルをまたぎ、世界に広がっている。

Born in Tokyo, he started playing in bands and DJing at the same time when he was 15. As a DJ, his innovative and original style has taken the world by storm, and his activities have quickly expanded from huge festivals to underground parties both in Japan and abroad. In 2003, he went on a recording tour with local musicians in Cuba. In 2003, he went on a recording tour with local musicians in Cuba, and since then he has been recording all over the world, and started his own label, Crosspoint, as a new guideline for world music.
In addition to music production, he also produces video works, picture books and art books, and organized the outdoor festival “Jomon and Rebirth” in 2012. In 2017, he released HIGHTIME Inc. with DJ Tasaka, and in 2018, he released ZERO with MACKA-CHIN of NitroMicrophoneUnderground and MaL of PART2 STYLE. In 2018, he also started the unit ZEN RYDAZ with MACKA-CHIN of NitroMicrophoneUnderground and MaL of PART2STYLE.
In the same year, his music under the name of J.A.K.A.M. was released in analog form on the French label HardFist, which led to a live performance at the huge 30,000-person Nuits Sonores Festival, followed by a DJ tour of Europe and Israel. In 2019, the production of MYSTICS, a unit with Marcus Henriksson and Kuniyuki of the internationally popular Minilogue/Son Kite, began, and this year, 2021, the long-awaited album will be released. His original vision is spreading all over the world, crossing all genres.
He has been behind the decks at home and abroad with:
Acid Arab (FR) / Adam Ffreeland (UK) / Alex Patterson (The Orb, UK) Andy Baz (Background Records, Germany) / Asaf Sammuel (islael) / Dego (4Hero, UK) / Fabio (UK) / Francois K (NY) / Fred P(NY) / Foolish Felix (UK) / Grooverider (UK) / I.G.Culture (People, UK) / Jeff Mills (Chicago) / Joe Claussell (NY) Nick the Record (UK) / Moodyman (Detroit) / Panasea (Germany) PHOTEK (UK) / Storm(MetalHeadz, UK) / Suv (Fullcycle, UK) / Q-Bert & Inbisibl Skratch Piklz, Mix Master Mike with D-Styles, Yogafrog and Shortcut (US) / Theo Parrish(Detroit) / Terre Thaemlitz (US/JPN) / Tom Wieland (Vienna) /DJ KRUSH (JP) / Flying Lotus(US)/ / Boredoms (JP) / FAUST (Germany) / Dennis Bovell(UK) / Dillinger Escape Plan (NY) / Juno Reacter (UK) /Lee Perry (Jamaica) / LKJ (UK) / Lake Trout (US) / Mad Proffesor (UK) / Mala (UK) / Marcus Henriksson(SW) / Meat Beat Manifesto (UK) / Merzbow , MMW (US)/ Yakaza Ensemble(Turkey) etc. His style keeps evolving and defies categorization.

校正・英訳:編集部 中村、池上
Proofreading and English translation: Editorial department Nakamura, Ikegami
